English is my second language. For me, a "study on something" means a study ABOUT a general topic. and "a study of something" means a specific topic. As Brazilian, my first native language is Portuguese, so the tendency for me is using "of". However, as a teacher of English for many years, I can tell "of" from "on" in these sentences.


Fundação da Casa de Bragança in answer to our supposition that Box No . s sending during my studies in Lisbon , Figueira da Foz ( Museu Municipal Dr 

Activate your free month of lessons (special offer for new users, with no obligation to buy) - and receive a level assessment! Yes it is, perfectly correct. But it only works if you have mentioned a contrasting state of affairs earlier in the discourse (because ‘more’ has to mean ‘more than something’). during my study at the university vs during my studying at the university. A complete search of the internet has found these results: during my study at the university is the most popular phrase on the web. Definition of On Study in the Titi Tudorancea Encyclopedia.

My studies in or on

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How I pulled it off isn’t rocket science. It’s just normal science, and I hope you find the research materials I shared with you today useful supplementary reading.

My Studies is a secure online space for students with access to learning materials, assessment and other study related content. There’s also a range of collaborative tools for sharing information, as well as signposting to other University of Brighton services, such as libraries.

European Physical Education Review 10(1): 95-108. Google Scholar | SAGE Journals.

My studies in or on

2021-02-22 · That’s how I managed to be so stable during my doctoral studies that I had time and attention span to pick up a second Masters degree while writing my dissertation. How I pulled it off isn’t rocket science. It’s just normal science, and I hope you find the research materials I shared with you today useful supplementary reading.

My studies in or on

Besides, l intend to continue my studies. GT medicine is underneath my study My study passed the investigational review board Scully refuses to present my study. The other senses of “poor in” are: The opposite of “rich in”; it's about what you have. This includes figurative uses; you can be “rich in friends”, and you could describe someone (a bit oddly) as “poor in friends”. Whatever is meant by the “poor in spirit”, which is a venerable expression from Matthew’s Gospel.

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My studies in or on

Synonyms for During My Studies (other words and phrases for During My Studies).

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Approved leave from, non-completion of, or parallel studies. If you want to study more than 45 credits per term at Umeå University you need to apply for parallel studies. Apply for transfer of credits. Who studies at school . Jan 20 2019 02:29:28. anonymous; Site Hint: Check out our list of pronunciation videos.

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Whatever is meant by the “poor in spirit”, which is a venerable expression from Matthew’s Gospel. Sentence examples for pursue my studies from inspiring English sources. Sentence examples for. pursue my studies.