Bakkafrost is the largest and only public traded salmon producer on the Faroe Islands and offers a wide range of different salmon products including whole, gutted salmon, value added products and fish-meal, -oil and -feed (FOF). Bakkafrost produced 44.013 tons of gutted salmon and 85.724 FOF in 2014.
Bakkafrost has forecast a 2021 harvest of 106,000 MT gutted weight, with 66,000 MT coming from the Faroe Islands and 40,000 MT from Scotland. It also expects to release around 14.5 million smolts in the Faroe Islands this year, compared to 14.3 million smolts in 2020, 12.7 million smolts in 2019 and 12.6 million smolts in 2018. Bakkafrost is committed to strong cooperation with local communities and authorities and hopes to stimulate employment through significant investment in the business. Additionally, Bakkafrost is P/F Bakkafrost has received 66.67% “underperform” votes from our community. MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about P/F Bakkafrost and other stocks. Vote “Outperform” if you believe BKFKF will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Bakkafrost Salmon produces, processes and distributes frozen salmon products.
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Bakkafrost is one of the world’s most vertically integrated salmon farming companies. Bakkafrost controls all aspects of production – from feed to finished value added products. This ensures unrivalled traceability and consistent high quality. Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Bakkafrost. Andelen 40 % anger hur många av Teleste Oyj-ägarna som även har Bakkafrost i sin portfölj.
The company had total revenue of USD 677 million (DKK 4,511 million) in 2019. Salmon farming in the Faroe Islands is the most Bakkafrost CEO Regin Jacobsen said: “During this quarter, the global salmon market has again been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, putting pressure on the salmon industry and affecting the financial returns across the industry negatively. “Throughout the third quarter, we have, however, been able to maintain a steady supply to our customers.
Bakkafrost raises superior quality salmon in the Faroe Islands. The main focus is to farm a unique salmon that is tasty, healthy and sustainable. In the Bakkafrost web-shop you have the opportunity to buy salmon online. Order unique and delicious Bakkafrost salmon online and have it delivered directly to your door.
Number of Analysts, 7. Note: Responsibility for the content of participants' public communication related to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and their implementation lies Stockopedia rates P/F Bakkafrost as a Balanced High Flyer . 5 brokers rate it as a 'Hold'.
Bakkafrost levererade exceptionellt starka resultat under Q4, främst drivet av högre premium för Färöarna, men även tack vare att alla undersegment levererat något bättre resultat än väntat. Vi tvivlar på att detta är det nya normala, men vi höjer premium för 2018 och 2019 något. Vi höjer även kostnad/kg och justerar
The company's activities include farming, harvesting, packaging, processing, and sales.
P/F Bakkafrost on färsaarelainen elintarvikealan konserniyritys, joka kasvattaa kuoretta, lohta ja taimenta, jalostaa niitä ja myy kalatuotteita.Yrityksen toiminta on jaettu kolmeen toimintoon: kalanviljely, lisäarvoa antavat tuotteet, sekä kala-aterioiden, -öljyn ja -ruuan tuotanto ja myynti. 2021-03-30 · BKFKF | Complete Bakkafrost P/F stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Bakkafrost.com ligger i Irland, Dublin och är värd i det nätverk av . Starta en online-diskussion om bakkafrost.com och skriv en recension
P/F Bakkafrost is a fish farming company, based in the Faroe Islands. Its main business area is aquaculture and it consists of three segments: Fish Farming;
Bakkafrost P/F is a salmon producer based in the Faroe Islands. The company's activities include farming, harvesting, packaging, processing, and sales.
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Bakkafrost is the leading producer of healty top quality salmon from the Faroe Islands. Bakkafrost is one of the world's most vertically integrated salmon farming companies.
Bakkafrost is a relatively small aquaculture farmer located in the Faroe Islands. Bakkafrost has chosen to focus on unmatched quality through a delicious taste, a healthy, safe and sustainability profile. There are many reasons why Bakkafrost has succeeded in achieving this goal of raising a unique salmon with an unparalleled quality. Bakkafrost är verksamma inom fiskeodling.
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CREDITS:Client: BakkafrostProduction Comapny: Polar Films EntetainmentManuscript: SansirRelease date: 4-3-2018
The company's activities include farming, harvesting, packaging, processing, and sales.
Mar 5, 2020 (5 March 2020): P/F Bakkafrost ("Bakkafrost") initiated, on 13 January 2020, a compulsory acquisition of all of The Scottish Salmon Company
Havsbrún, a Bakkafrost subsidiary, produces the majority of the fishmeal and fish oil used in Bakkafrost's high-quality feed.
Bakkafrost controls all aspects of production - from feed to finished value added products. 2021-04-11 P/F Bakkafrost is a fish farming company, based in the Faroe Islands. Its main business area is aquaculture and it consists of three segments: Fish Farming; Value Added Products (VAP); and Production and Sale of Fish Meal, Oi l and Feed. It is engaged in all production steps of sea farming, from salmon roe to harvested fish. Bakkafrost P/F operates a fish farm. The Company offers a wide range of salmon products supplied by its own processing facilities. Bakkafrost provides fresh salmon to the fresh fish market Bakkafrost is the leading producer of top quality atlantic salmon from the Faroe Islands.