UNICEF and UNFPA call on the government of Somalia to commit to ending FGM by passing law prohibiting the practice According to the latest Somali Health and Demographic Survey, 99 per cent of women between the ages of 15 and 49 have been subjected to …


A 2010 UNICEF report also noted that Somalia had the world's highest rate of Type III FGM, with 79% of all Somali women having undergone the procedure; another 15% underwent Type II FGM. Article 15 of the Federal Constitution adopted in August 2012 prohibits female circumcision, stating: 'Circumcision of girls is a cruel and degrading practice, and is tantamount to torture.

Guinea. Djibouti. Egypt. Mali. Sierra Leone. Sudan.

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In Egypt and Somalia, the support for FGM was calculated among all girls and women, since respondents were not first asked whether they had heard of the practice. Prevalence data for girls and women aged 15 to 49 years and data on attitudes towards FGM are not available for Indonesia. There are various forms of FGM practiced and two out of three Somali women have undergone the most extreme type of FGM called pharaonic or infibulation. “Girls as young as five years old are subjected to FGM without a choice and it is a clear violation of their protection rights,” said Jesper Moller, UNICEF Deputy Representative in Somalia. 2018-01-19 2005-11-25 2020-02-05 Community empowerment is the key to ending the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) or cutting,in Somalia, a senior official of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said on Thursday. 2020-05-08 These statistical profiles present the latest available data on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) for 30 countries where FMG/C is concentrated. They provide figures on how widespread the practice of FGM/C is, when and how it is performed, and what women and men think about the practice.

Kvinnlig könsstympning (Female Genital Mutilation – FGM) omfattar alla Utdrag ur dikt av Dahabo Ali Muse, Somalia.

11 Feb 2017 women have undergone some form of FGM/C (UNICEF, 2016), and Kenya, Sudan and Somalia traditional circumcisers or traditional birth 

20000. Support York against female genital mutilation;. ± Enhance anal[sis and contribution to UNICEF in 2002 Yas 296 MSEK disbursed b[ the. Ministr[ of Foreign  work of UNFPA and UNICEF against female genital mutilation (FGM).

Fgm somalia unicef

5 The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimates that FGM/FGC, which is a common practice in Somalia, covers 98 percent of the total female population .

Fgm somalia unicef

They provide figures on how widespread the practice of FGM/C is, when and how it is performed, and what women and men think about the practice. Se hela listan på unfpa.org NEW YORK, 5 February 2016 – At least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation in 30 countries, according to a new statistical report published ahead of the United Nations’ International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. Female genital mutilation (FGM) refers to “all procedures involving partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.”[1] FGM is a violation of girls’ and women’s human rights. Within Somalia, advocacy groups struggle against the weight of custom, tradition and superstition. Nonetheless, some degree progress has been made especially within urban areas with some turning away from Type 3 FGM and resorting to less harmful, albeit still extremely problematic, versions of FGM. Fewer still have outright stopped the practice. UNFPA/UNICEF - FGM programme in Somalia About. About the UN; The UN in Somalia; UN Entities in Somalia; The Resident Coordinator Office have co-chaired an FGM taskforce meeting to coordinate anti-FGM work.10 It has not been possible, however, to obtain any details of a formal government strategy to end FGM across the whole of Somalia.

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Fgm somalia unicef

Jeremy Hopkins, deputy representative for UNICEF in Somalia, said the U.N. children’s agency was optimistic a law would eventually go through, but the details in it would be crucial. SOMALIA HAS HIGHEST FGM RATE. According to UNICEF, Somalia has the highest cases of FGM/C in the world with 98% of girls undergoing it between the ages of 5 and 11 and COVID-19 prevention measures Across both Somalia and Somaliland, women who live in rural areas are only slightly more likely to undergo FGM than those who live in urban areas.

från: https://www.unicef.org/stories/what-you-need-know-about-female-. uttryck för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (UNICEF, 2017). I artikeln Female Genital Mutilation A Visual Reference and Learning Tool for Health Care Somalia.
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Länder som exempelvis Iran, Nauru, Palau, Somalia, Sudan och Tonga men också USA brottsdomstol två läkare och modern till en 17-årig ficka som dog efter FGM till Enligt Unicef är det omöjligt att veta det exakta antalet barnäktenskap i 

av EN LITTERATURSTUDIE · 2019 — benämns female genital mutilation (FGM), female genital cutting (FGC) och könsstympade kvinnor (andel i procent) är de afrikanska länderna Somalia (98%), riten könsstympning på flickor bestrider denna artikel (UNICEF 2019a). Mogadishu, Hargeisa och Boosaaso i Somalia i juni. 2012. Udgivet: Lifos notes that the phenomena to perform FGM on girls is still widespread but that there Även Unicef Somaliland uppgav att fler och fler flickor utsätts för  Med projekt både i Somalia och Sverige och på internationell nivå. globalt program tillsammans med Unicef för att motarbeta könsstympning. Kvinnlig könsstympning (Female Genital Mutilation – FGM) omfattar alla Utdrag ur dikt av Dahabo Ali Muse, Somalia.

16 Apr 2013 UNICEF has been working with community and religious leaders in northern Somalia to try to change attitudes toward female genital mutilation.

Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF, Somalia and Somaliland Ministry of Planning and National Development, Somaliland. Available at https://mics-surveys- Across both Somalia and Somaliland, women who live in rural areas are only slightly more likely to undergo FGM than those who live in urban areas.

Ethiopia. 74% Source: Unicef. i de delar av Afrika som sträcker sig som ett bälte mellan Somalia i öst och Senegal i väst. WHO, Sexual and reproductive health, Female genital mutilation (FGM) and harmful practices. Unicef, Kvinnlig könsstympning 6 UNICEF (2014) Ending Child Marriage: Progress and prospects.